Monday, March 29, 2021

Attack of the Javelinas

Rumbling outside last night turned out to be what Winky said was about 15 Javelinas.  She chased them off.  Walking back from the executive suite Kadizzle realized it is going to be another perfect day. 

A thought went through Kadizzle's head as he passed his marvelous street light.  Kadizzle set up a solar powered light that comes on at dark and goes off at daylight.  The system harvest the sun power automatically. What does this mean? It means we waste an incredible amount of energy on lighting with traditional power plants.  The little Kadizzle system could probably run three days with no sun. 

Now for the next revelation.  Poverty is just something we chose to have.  There is no poverty, there are just people taking way more than their share.  There is plenty of everything, houses, cars, food, clothing, you name it.   Some people have no where to live because other people have used all the lumber and bricks to build more homes than they need. Some people take the  bus because someone else decided they needed six cars. We live in a world of illusion. Kadizzle is a Democratic socialist. What does that mean? It means we should vote on who gets to take what.  The current system of government that allows the 1% to buy the goverment is simply evil incarnate.  The big problem is people walking around in a daze.  The other day Kadizzle was talking with Bill.  Bill is intelligent, but, but, there is a problem. Kadizzle was discussing with Bill how things stay in orbit.  Bill did not understand the principle.  What is the problem? The problem is Bill never thought about what keeps the moon circling the Earth.  Well, so what? Well people need to ask basic questions about the world they live in.  One question might be asked about the amount of perfectly good food we threw out the other day while people elsewhere were starving.  One question no one ask is just how does the government work?  Who cares? That is the problem as long as you have a warm place to sit at the executive suite, and a decent pair of shoes, who cares where all that stuff goes? Put simply people are distracted. Sports is a major distraction.  People watching football have no clue the wealthy cheat all day long on their taxes. If the wealthy only paid what they owed, not talking about cheating the government would have an additional 1.9 trillion dollars.  Then of course there is the cheating, just add at least another trillion or two.  Ok, take those trillions and build some homes, schools, interstate, mass transit and people have jobs.  Now make those same tax cheats pay their share and another trillion pops out of nowhere, but who cares I am watching football and my team is winning. 

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