Sunday, March 14, 2021

Rattlesnake Season

A morning ritual is the walk to the executive suite. Now that the weather has warmed up we have to be on alert for our old friends the rattlesnakes.  They are like Republicans, you just can't trust them, and you don't know when they might cause a problem. Cliff and Winky have had close encounters, Kadizzle has not.  When you get to the throne, you don't just fling open the door and go sit on the thunder seat, no you peak in first to see if a rattlesnake went in to get warm or catch a mouse.  At night is when the snakes like to hunt.  Sort of like Republicans doing voter suppression, the snakes are sneaky.  If the temperature drops the snakes may try to warm up on the asphalt or the concrete.  Always check and know where you may step at night. Kadizzle has upped the game by putting more solar lights on the walkway.  In reality Kadizzle has seen as many rattlers in North Dakota as he has in Arizona.  Usually the Kadizzles leave AZ when the snake come out, but this year with no home in ND we may be dancing with the snakes.  The recent fires must have wiped out a lot of snakes, as well as many other animals.  The fires also drove many animals down near the lake. 

We got some good rain last night, but today may be sunny enough to launch the Rusty 1.  It has been a little cold and you can see the snow up on the mountains.  A dump in the lake may be unpleasant.  Stuck in the Earth module Winky and Kadizzle watched some America's Cup racing.  The current boats they are racing are insane.  Now the boat will go up to sixty miles per hour.  Kadizzle is an old sailor and cannot figure out how these boats are going downwind.  The complexity of sailing these boats is much more difficult than flying a plane.  Since the boats rise out of the water that is one major problem.  Once out of the water the boat is held up by a hydrofoil on the rudder, and one on the side of the boat.  So the boat is sailing on a tripod, a rudder, a sail, and a foil in the middle of the boat.  The boat actually has two foils in the middle of the boat, one port, and one starboard.  Rather than try to explain all this it would be easier if you are interested to go on youtube and watch the racing.  Perhaps Kadizzle will put a video on here.  Think about it, the boat Columbus came over here on might do five miles an hour.  Now these sailboats are going sixty.  The referees follow the boats with fast small inflatable boats.  They can hardly keep up.  If one of these boats is steered incorrectly it could nose into the water at fifty or sixty.  Imagine what will happen to the crew.  They do not wear seat belts.  It appeared the Italian crew was wearing a small scuba tank in case they got trapped underwater.  The sport has changed completely.  Last winter Kadizzle was in New Zealand and it is fun to see the races right where Kadizzle was in Auckland.  The money spent on these boats is insane.  It must be thirty or forty million dollars to build and race one.  All of this while people are homeless. Well the rich do need to be entertained. 

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