Tuesday, March 23, 2021


 Screeching Evie, and Sylvie running about. Now they are outside so the decibels have gone down. Kadizzle tried to clean his ear, and it backfired. Now deafness is a problem.  Might be a blessing. The high level of activity with three grandchildren running about is a different way to awaken. No stillness of the morning. Quinnie is an eating machine that matches grandpa for consumption.  He is a smiley guy, always happy.  The in laws have graciously allowed the clan to use their home in Florida for a get together. With a nice pool the home is ideal for keeping Sylvie, and Evie outside playing in the water. 

Old folks migrate to Florida or Arizona.  Florida is just too flat.  Arizona has such a variety of landscape.  Winky would go nuts in Florida with no mountains to conquer. Both states have a severe infestation of Republicans. However, there might be fewer guns in Florida.  

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