Saturday, December 19, 2020

What fascinates people about gangsters?

Yesterday the Kadizzle gang watched a movie The Irishman.  It was about the guy who killed Jimmy Hoffa.  This morning Winky asked Kadizzle " Why are people fascinated with gangsters?" Kadizzle had a childhood friend whose father was in the business, so to speak.  Kadizzle found it interesting how the illegal world operated in his hometown.  The hypocrisy was insane.  All the goody, goody people pretended like they did not know what was going on.  It worked in a strange manner.  The town had a reputation for having more churches per capita than most cities.  On the other hand prostitution, and gambling were on a par with Las Vegas.  Wheeling Island had a horse track that attracted an interesting crowd.  Big time gangsters like Al Capone came to Wheeling to gamble.  The police were always half drunk.  Trump is a gangster and he operates like one.  You can always see the way this type operates.  Kadizzle tried to explain to Winky that gangsters are psychopaths.  They can buy you a very nice gift and steal it from you the next day. People watch gangster movies and wish they could be like that.  Wouldn't it be nice just to kill someone who was a problem? Gangsters do what most people fantasize about.  That is why people liked Trump.  Trump insulted people at will.  Trump spit in the face of society and openly stole anything he wanted.  Trump was the most successful gangster in history.  Trump had the government covering up his crimes and paying his legal bills.  Trump had the attorney general in his pocket.  Trump had a check book full of pardons.  The Trump worshipers just wished they could steal with impunity, lie with impunity, and be as rotten as Trump with no consequences.  Little kids dress up as superheroes because that is what they want to be.  Republicans want to be just like Trump so they dress up in Trump super hero outfits with red hats. 

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