Wednesday, December 09, 2020


 Praise be unto Jeeeesus, the Bismarck Tribune published a good stinger letter Kadizzle wrote.  Got in a good stinger on KFYR radio.  Scott Hennen is one one of Satan's best Republican agents and he lies constantly on his KFYR talk show. 

Yesterday Bill was walking by the Earth Module so Kadizzle shouted at him an made him listen to Kadizzle spew BS.  Kadizzle played a Kinky Freedman snippet for him.  To make it really work you have to hear it, but Kadizzle will try to write the story down and maybe you will get the jest of it. 

A rich Texas oil rancher stopped at a huge stature of Jesus to pray.  The rancher told Jesus the oil wells were going dry, the Cadillac's were in the shop, and his cattle were sick.  The rancher heard something on the other side of the statue.  He walked around and found a little Mexican guy praying.  The Mexican said he lost his job, his home was going to be repossessed,  and his wife was sick.  The rancher pulled out his wallet and took out a hundred dollar bill.  He gave it to the Mexican and said " Here, take this, and don't be bothering Jesus with that shit anymore".   This very much sums up Christianity. 

Back to the trip to the world headquarters, executive suite.  What a pleasant walk. The morning is warm, the day is clear and the sun has not made it up over the mountains in the East.  What did the Indians think six hundred years ago when they looked at that horizon.  It must have been an amazing thing to see the sun come up and have no idea how the universe worked.  Maybe not so strange.  Seventy million people who voted for Trump have no idea how the universe works. 

Yesterday the hard core trail gang went up the mountain. Kadizzle stayed back and had a day by himself trimming the local paths.  Kadizzle put his Jambox speaker in the backpack so he had music as he cut down the brush. 

Calling this a desert seems a misnomer.  Brush grows here at an unbelievable pace.  It is supposed to rain tomorrow.  Putting water on this desert is like putting gas on a fire.  It seems some of these plants grow as soon as you turn your back on them. 

We have settled into our new version of the Earth Module.  Kadizzle is finding he likes better all the time.  We can watch television by putting Youtube on the TV.   Every night we play PBS News Hour.  Winky will watch some shows.  It works pretty well we have no signal so it all has to come over the hotspot on the phone. 

Kadizzle has to get his work clothes on and go help Ken.  Ken wants to clear some brush near the road.  It almost makes one cry to see the wonderful facilities here crumble.  Without the prisoners this place is quickly getting overgrown.   The prisoners cannot work because of the virus.  These poor young guys that are jailed actually enjoy getting out and doing the work around here.  It is a shame North Dakota cannot let the young people in prison out to do community work. 

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