Friday, December 18, 2020

Sucked In

 Kadizzle and Jasper Littlebottom got sucked in to The Queen's Gambit.  We binge watched the whole series in two days.  It was well done and amazing how an entire movie could be made with no gun shots, sex scenes or violence.  That is impossible in this country. 

Kadizzle got the little John Deere tractor going and dusted up some of the local walking trails.  Kadizzle knew something had to go wrong.  The old rotten tire on the tractor gave out so getting it replaced by the government will take a couple of presidential administrations. 

Looks like one more perfect day in the wilderness today. Will be a nice walk down to the office.  It is like fresh air seeing Biden appoint qualified and caring people to high positions.  Trump and his mafia gang will be out on the street.  Yesterday Winky was not feeling too good and for awhile we thought the covid may have hit, but she is fine today and it appears we are safe. 

Back to The Queen's Gambit.  For some reason Kadizzle's mind had been going through old memories.  A major feature in The Queen's gambit was the orphanage where the young chess player grew up.  It so much reminds Kadizzle of the Woodsdale Children's home.  The home was an imposing building and what went on inside was always a mystery.  Kadizzle went to school with all the orphans at the Woodsdale School.  The orphans enriched us all.  Kadizzle always thought when things were bad they could be worse and the orphan kids were a constant reminder.  Kadizzle also was in the Boy Scouts with the Orphans.  Gary Caldwell was a tough orphan kid.  It was lucky he had a bad leg.  It seemed like a morning ritual for Gary and Kadizzle to have a fight.  Gary was study and very strong.  Often Kadizzle took the easy way out and escaped Gary by running. Even with a bad leg Gary was fast.  Kadizzle remembers going to Boy Scout Camp with Gary.  We would swim in the creek.  Gary had some piece of steel in his leg and he could only stay in the water so long before he could not move his leg.  Kadizzle can remember Gary having to hustle out of the water as his leg started to stiffen up.  There was another orphan, a tall skinny kid who had serious mental problems.  Kadizzle remembers well when that nut case took a hand full of darts and slapped them into Kadizzle's wrist.  It was twelve tattoo needles at once.  Then there was poor Margie Shepard.  The story was she saw her parents burned alive in a fire.  Kadizzle remembers her in the sixth grade.  Margie was a sad case and never was right.  It was a different world when orphanages were the answer to stockpiling kids left from disasters. 

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