Tuesday, December 29, 2020

The Kajeekapoo

 There it was rumbling down the road towards us, it was the Kajeekapoo.  What is a Kajeekapoo?  Well if you breed an airplane with an old Airstream camper you end up with a Kajeekapoo.  People have taken to the road because life sitting still is to expensive.  The net result is they go on the move anyway they can. 

Judging from the chimney coming out of the side of the Kajeekapoo it must be heated with wood.  Living on the run can be cheap.  Currently the Kadizzles have no fixed home.  Kadizzle was doing the budget the other day and it appears we are living on less than social security.  A person with a small imagination and a funtioning brain could live comfortably on very little.  As volunteers for the Forest Service we have no expense for water, sewer, or electricity.  Verizon still scams us, but that is about it.  A while back the price for staying in the campground we occupy for free went up to twenty dollars per night.  That forced a lot of the low rent gang to go elsewhere.  Elsewhere is mainly out into the woods. Dispersed camping is what they call it.  Marginal people can camp on public land free.  If there is an established pull out and fire ring go for it.  A lot of these sites are amazing.  The views can be incredible.  In the vernacular we call it dry camping.  When you dry camp you have to supply your own water, and electricity.  Solar is usually the answer. Very quickly you learn not to waste water and propane. 

At this point the Kadizzles are living in a fifth wheel camper about eight feet by thirty four feet.  We are very comfortable in a small space.  As we sit here the electric fireplace is providing some warmth.  At first we thought the fireplace was tacky and we did not want it, but the simulated fire would fool anyone.  It turns out we kind of like it. All our needs are met in this small space.  One wonders why people feel they need so much more space.  The real wonder of our abode is the view.  With large windows we can crank our heads in any direction and see magnificent mountains.  We don't see any neighbors.  The quiet, the birds, the wildlife is all part of our yard.  Incidentally our yard is five million acres. 

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