Monday, December 14, 2020

Walters Wiggles


This is just part of the climb to Angels Landing.  Winky and Kadizzle have made this hike about five times.  When we hiked it with Erin and Megan we went out to the very scary part on the end.  Megan made it fine, but Erin did not want to do the dangerous part.  We gave Megan here Angel/s landing pin and have always given Erin a hard time about not earning the pin. 

Once on the very steep part of this hike which is pictured we encountered a group of young men pushing a wheelchair up the trail with an injured fellow athlete.  The young man in the wheelchair had been injured in the Circus de soul or whatever the hell the name of the show is.  Apparently he was paralyzed in a fall and his good fellow players were bound to take him up there.  The amazing thing was they were practically running doing it. 

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