Monday, December 07, 2020

Look at every tomato

Winky and Kadizzle are seriously considering having a home built in Payson, Arizona.  It seems to Kadizzle we have chosen a lot and a home style, but no.  Winky goes into the grocery store and gets stuck in the vegetable section for an hour.  She has to look at every tomato, or how would she know she did not get the best tomato.  So you can imagine buying a home.  Unless you look at every home and every possibility how can you know you chose the best?  So this all comes back to the famous niggifiddle problem.  Niggifiddles cannot make a straight forward decision.  It is impossible for a niggifiddle to go anywhere in a straight line.  Bob up the street cannot just get in the car and go hunting.  Bob, like Winky has to wander around in a circle and go in and out of the house ten times before the hunt.  The best part about Winky is she will do the niggifiddle, and then we get a mile out of town and she says " Oh, I forgot my phone, or my toenail clipper. "

If a niggifiddle was in a plane about to crash they would put on makeup so they would look good at the crash site.  Winky cannot go across the street without a supply  of water.  Before hiking Kadizzle takes a big gulp of water and off he goes, not Winky, she must have a half gallon. 

In the end you have frustration.  Kadizzle likes to go in the store grab a tomato and go on with life.  If we go to the grocery store Kadizzle is supposed to be like a good puppy and stay with Winky.  Kadizzle gets bored and wants to wander all over the store.  So Kadizzle wanders around for half an hour thininking winky will have made it past the carrots.  Nope, ain't going to happen.  Well we have worked out somewhat of a solution.  Kadizzle is given and assignment, like go get your cereal or some special seasoning.  This gives Kadizzle a chance to wander.  

So back to Payson to meet with the builder today.  There will be hundreds of pointless questions.  Well what if we,  well how about, and so on.  Just pick up the tomato and put it in the cart. 

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