Friday, January 25, 2019

Hiking with Cupcake

Cupcake is a small woman about the size of Winky.  Kadizzle and Cupcake headed up Mills ridge yesterday to hike.  There is a reason her name is Cupcake.  She is a cake.  That is slang for someone who is just not that tough.  Cupcake is a good hiker, but she is afraid of heights, and does not like the briers, and brambles.

Kadizzle and Cupcake headed up the steep trail to an Indian site.  Cupcake would not look down off the steep trail.  She managed to on the way back by necessity.  Kadizzle showed Cupcake how to recognize pot shards at the ancient Indian site.  Wow, there were lots of the pot shards.  Kadizzle has been to this site many times, but was absolutely amazed how many more shards emerged from the rains and weathering.  Kadizzle found one black on red piece which is rare, and a very unusual piece that looked like it came from a large dish.  The day was near perfect and after lunch we returned.  Our trail crew is trying to get Cupcake out  to all the places we hike so she can give better information at the visitor center if the government ever gets going again.  Just put Trump in jail and get it over.

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