Monday, January 21, 2019

Here We Sit

Well folks here we sit. The government is shut down by the most worthless rotten scheming man ever to hold public office. We could be working for free improving public lands, but we are tasked with entertaining ourselves.  The prisoners in Globe who work here for fifty cents and hour are sitting in jail wasting tax payers money.  Kadizzle has been a bit obsessed with the confrontation between the Native American and the kid in the Trump hat.  What actually happened?  There seem to be several versions.  When Kadizzle confronted now Senator Kevin Cramer and put 23 dollars down his shirt Kadizzle got a first hand lesson in spin.  The media jumped on the incident and called it an assault.  Even Cramer said it was not, but that made a good story.  It was amazing to see first hand how the news media manipulated what happened to create a story.  The real story in Kadizzles case was about a woman Cramer was trying to steal health care from.  Trying my beast to be unbiased I could perhaps buy the teen Trumpsters version, but the stumbling block is the Trump hat.  That alone would not do it, but when you see all the teenagers with the star were wearing Trump hats it is very hard not to find them guilty.

Soreness is slowly subsiding from the great Canyon hike.  Last night Cupcake (Elaine), Dave and Kadizzle watched the moon eclipse sitting around the fire.  The clothes smell so smokey Winky says Kadizzle has to wash them.  Since Sylvie is going to star in Mary Poppins we now have to plan a trip to Denver. Meanwhile the other little bug Evie is learning to tell Alexa how to play her favorite Elmo song.  Life goes on pray for Trump to be struck by lightening, bung hole cancer, or something that will only get him and spare the innocent.  If indeed God controls everything maybe God can take some time from choosing who will win the Super Bowl and cook up a natural disaster for Trump.

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