Tuesday, November 06, 2018

What are the odds?

Early today Kadizzle took the garbage up to the dumpster.  On the way an older man that did not look like he belonged in our area was walking with a hiking stick. Kadizzle said hello and exchanged a few pleasantries.  About two hours later in a state of boredom and elation from such a wonderful day Kadizzle took off for a little motorcycle adventure around Windy Hill Campground.

Riding on a ridge Kadizzle saw an interesting road by the lake to explore. It appeared someone was on the road walking.  Exploring the road Kadizzle came across the same man hiking.  Again Kadizzle stopped for some conversation.  Suddenly during the conversation we both realized we had met before.  Five years ago Kadizzle met Frank. If you search the archives here you will find the story. Frank lost his wife and kids in a car wreck in Montana. All he does is hike the trails.

For both of us to be in the same place at the same time five years later purely by happenstance was beyond belief.  It seemed impossible, but when we compared notes we had indeed met on the Arizona trail five years ago.  Frank hiked up here from Apache Junction. He came through the superstition mountains.  How many guys 70 could make that trip by themselves?  The whole experience has filled Kadizzle with a sense of wonderment.  There is something going on in this universe that cannot be explained.

Frank say he want to hike to Superior back through the wilderness and he wants to start on Campaign Creek.  If you follow these writings and musings you might recall an incident when Kadizzle rescued Alex last year and got him a home at Peter Big Foot's.  Well today's plan is to go to Globe for supplies. Frank needs supplies to get back to Superior.  So Kadizzle and Jasper will take Frank to Globe with us. If Frank wants a ride to Peter Bigfoot's that will work out perfect, because Kadizzle needs to check on the last trail orphan Alex.  Life is stranger than fiction.

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