Saturday, November 03, 2018

The most important election of our lifetime

Neighbor Bob gave me the most encouragement ever for this election.  He admitted what a lying disaster Trump is, and said he would vote for Heidi.  This is a miracle. To see a hard core Republican come to the light and denounce Satan is a religious experience.  Two ministers in town have come out of the closet and are supporting Heidi.  So perhaps there is hope to overthrow the vile men who represent the Republicans in this election.  Kadizzle is in this for his children and grand children.  Trump has done everything in his power to destroy the common good, spread hate, make lying acceptable, ruin the economy, the environment, education, and just common decency.  Never has such a fraudulent con man occupied the White House and used it so well for his personal gain.  How, how, can any thinking, reading person fail to realize that an agenda of greed is his only agenda.  The saddest part of all is Trump's willingness to play on fear, paranoia, greed, and take advantage of the poorly educated.  If the American people do not reject the mess Trump has created the country will be a long time recovering.  Please get anyone you can to go out and vote against the worst people who ever ran for office. Please support Dina's measure one.  North Dakota is better than Kevin Cramer, Kelly Armstrong and the sad man they are puppets for.  Please show you care about more than money.  Please think about what the Trump gang wants to do to your children, and their children.  Please, please, speak to someone.  Decency can prevail if each of use will do something.

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