Sunday, November 04, 2018

Back in the Saddle again

First camp fire tonight. Got settled in. Water, electric, and sewer hooked up.  Walked around and met all the other volunteers.  Rode around on the bike a little.  Since they raised the rates here the place is pretty empty.  Big day tomorrow when we see if Satan and his Trump gang are set back.  Big shout out to Diane Baseflug.  Diane is a Russian hacker working for Trump. She helps handle the Russian propaganda program for Putin in North Dakota. There are 45 Russians and 31 unknowns following this blog.  Hope we have some Chinese and North Koreans on board.  Why in the world that would be the case is strange.  If you follow the news you know Russian hackers promote chaos in our country and also support the Republicans.  North Dakota is a good hunting ground because you have people ripe for cheap propaganda. KFYR radio may as well be owned by the KGB.  Tomorrow is the big day when we get to see if the work of the Russian hackers has paid off.  It will be a sad day if Russia has used the technology our country perfected to defeat us with a man like Trump.  You have to give Putin credit for manipulating Trump.  Who knows if Putin has blackmail material on Trump, but the most likely scenario is the Russians have lent Trump money.  Trump will not expose his tax returns.  That would lead people to his Russian money trail.  This is all speculation, but I am learning the technique from Rush, Rob Port, and Scott Hennen.  Just throw out anything and see if it works.  It is like fishing, just see what they are biting on. 

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