Sunday, November 04, 2018

Earth Module lands on planet Lake Roosevelt

Here we sit in the Earth module.  Cliff just introduced us to the new member of our trail crew.  The Forest Service has us in a different campground, which might be a nice change.  All the trail people are together.  We have plenty of space around us and are away from the nasty fellow of years past.  It is not the same level of luxury with a patio, but we do have a better fire pit, grill, and free electricity.  So our utility cost is zero. 

The lake is low, but the desert seems relatively green.  We are allowed to have guest stay with us for free.  So anyone, is welcome to visit. It will cost you nothing to camp if you visit us.  There is excellent hiking, and lake activities here. Remember there are four lakes in a row on the Salt River.  The ones below here are more in the canyon and a little more spectacular for the kayak crowd.  Ken and Rita will be here next week.

The silence here is golden.  One of the best features is the silence, and the wonderful sleeping.  Bad news bulletin.  We have always liked our camper mattress, but it has the Trump brand on it.  If anyone wonders why Kadizzle is delusional, that may explain it.

Tomorrow is make or break day for the universe.  Kadizzle keeps discovering what Trump has known all along.  The supply of dolts is limitless. Yesterday, while we filled with gas Kadizzle encountered a black man having a cigarette.  He was a trainee truck driver returning to California.  He had just made a 12 day trip from California to Maine and was on his way home.  Kadizzle asked him if he was going to vote.  Yes, he said.  Kadizzle asked him if he was going to vote the Republican rats out of office.  No he was a Trump supporter.   A black person voting for the plantation owner?   After Kadizzle explained to the fellow how social security works to take money from the poor and give it to the rich with the social security cap the man was dumb founded.  Look it up on the internet Kadizzle told him.  He said he would an if what Kadizzle told him was correct he would vote democratic. 

There are an astonishing number of people wandering around that barely know what day it is.  They are broke and have no clue why.   Back to the truck driver.   He was in fear of the caravan headed our way.  No here is black guy who police shoot for target practice and Trump has him worried about a caravan?   Can you be any more confused than that?

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