Friday, September 21, 2018


Kadizzle usually does not do complicated travel, but here we go.  Bismarck to Chicago, to Pittsburgh, to Wheeling, back to Pittsburgh hop on the train to Philadelphia, then to Richmond back to Chicago and Bismarck.  Reservations, change reservations, get a car, which train station.  Make a reservation, cancel a reservation, change a reservation.  Now add Jasper Littlebottom mixing up your mind while you try to listen to menu choices on the phone.  So here Kadizzle sits on Friday morning with his head spinning.  Soon the coffee will kick in and off we go.

Now to the coffee.  Kadizzle ran across a youtube video that says coffee must be freshly roasted to get the best buzz.  Coffee is the second largest traded commodity in the world next to oil. 

Stopped and had a nice long conversation with the motorhead yesterday.  Motor said no facts will ever phase him.  Motor seems intelligent, but mystifying.  Kadizzle offered data and facts to Motor, but he said he likes his version of the world and will not change.  It is like speaking to a cult member.  The leader of the cult is an absurd man named Trump. The believers believe and that is all that matters.  We got into the deal with the supreme court judge.  Motor said boys will be boys.  Kadizzle like girls, but never remembers treating them like the judge supposedly did.  Kadizzle had six sisters.  Wonder if the judge had sisters.  Somehow it seems like if you had a sister you would never put your hand over a woman's mouth and grope her.  When you have six sisters with five of them older chances are you have whopped a few times by a sister and some respect has been driven into you for women.

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