Wednesday, September 05, 2018

A walking man

Kadizzle drove north yesterday to check the good ship.  On the way he saw a bearded bedraggled fellow walking south.  Since Kadizzle owed the universe for his good luck hitch hiking on Orcas Island he thought he might be able to repay the universe by giving the bum walker a ride.  Tobby said he did not hitch hike, but he accepted rides.  Kadizzle explained he would come by in about an hour and the bum walker should take 1806 because it was the shortest route.

On the way home there was the bum walker up ahead.  Strangely he was walking away from the road on some mission.  As Kadizzle pulled up Tobby was excited about the horse radish he found by the road.  When providing people with a ride it is best to figure out how insane they are so the first step is the FBI interview.  This consist of a series of questions to determine how far from reality the passenger is.  Earlier in the first encounter there had been some Jesus talk by Tobby.  Too much Jesus is never good.  After some conversation it was determined Tobby had his own version of religion which was a mix an match and involved a lot of confusion.  Off to Hazen we headed.  The gauge that determines how crazy or dangerous someone is kept moving about.  On the way to Hazen we talked philosophy.  Kadizzle of course made sure Tobby was not infected with any kind of Republican ideas or a Trump supporter.  Tobby seemed to be safe enough to take home and feed.  Kadizzle told Tobby he could graze in the garden.  Tobby picked beans, peppers, dug up some potatoes, and pulled some chives.  Provided with a frying pan, cutting board, and olive oil, Tobby cooked up a nice combination of vegetables on the grill.  Kadizzle debated how hospitable he should be with Tobby in his mind.  As we sat in the shade Tobby talked about flouride, and chemtrails, both bizarre topics of people out of touch with reality.  Tobby had already explained earlier how he could not work because workers were all slaves.  Now this is true, but everyone has to eat, even slaves.  At one point Tobby pulled a bunch of stuff out of his pocket he had found along the road.  Strangely he gave Kadizzle a headlamp for camping that Kadizzle had been wanting, along with a bunch of new fishing lures that Kadizzle would give to the fishing kid.  We agreed that our meeting was more than chance and that some power in the universe had brought us together.  Kadizzle seemed to have some success dissuading Tobby that his paranoid ideas were a little too far out.  Like so many who take the easy way out Tobby blamed some strange group that controls the world for all problems.  Smart people exploiting stupid people is all you need to know Kadizzle explained to Tobby.  Some progress seemed to be made getting Tobby on a better mental path.  After we had our garden vegetables Kadizzle took Tobby to the thrift store for him to pick out a winter bum suite.  Kadizzle offered to let Tobby sleep in the back yard in his tent.  The house has to be kept pristine because it is for sale.  Tobby declined and said he would walk to Beulah and stay in the park.  His short term goal was to walk to Billings.  So one bum parted with another and life goes on.

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