Tuesday, September 04, 2018

Back on a different planet.

Traveling about each section of the country seems like a different planet.  Back here in Trump land things are quiet.  People in our area are scared about the lignite coal industry going down the tube. Although Trump promised coal jobs it just ain't happening. The layoffs in Mercer county have begun and may get worse. Reality has a way of sneaking in.  The Kadizzles are stuck here the house will not sell, no one is interested. The silly Trumpites keep believing in the cult leader.  Trump can bring back the horse and buggy, and we can make buggies again.  Our area is built on lignite coal. Lignite coal is about the worst coal in the world. Only peat is worse.  We like to believe Jesus is coming back, and you can burn lignite in some magic way that works without pollution.  Now we do have one minor problem. It is called natural gas.  This terrible stuff is coming out of the ground almost by itself. Guess what? It burns far cleaner and more efficiently than coal, but lets not admit that, lets just pretend life can go on as always and Jeeesus will help us burn coal.  Dreams are what North Dakota runs on.  The great boondoggle of ethanol goes on.  Why not turn corn into gasoline.?  This idea is about as dumb as the clean coal dream. We could heat the house by burning my dirty socks.  Why not?   All we have to do is produce enough dirty socks.  You can sell the Hoopleheads on any goofy idea.  KFYR radio will broadcast any simple minded idea to the faithful until they believe it.  Trump does not lie, and he is Jesus answer to sin.  Just join the cult and get it over with. Yesterday Kadizzle was with an old alcoholic.  The ex drinker was belittling people still addicted to something as the a cigarette smoked from the mouth.  "Aren't you addicted to cigarettes " Kadizzle asked?  " All old drunks smoke" was the reply.   So just drink the cool aid and enjoy.

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