Tuesday, September 25, 2018

A small tragedy

Reney went on to the dog Jesus.  Shiny's little dog died.  Kadizzle had stopped by Shiny's house and did not get the usual greeting by Reney, a lot of barking from a little dog.  Like a lot of older people Shiny was extremely attached to Reney.  It was like a marriage that worked.  Ray had a tiny dog he carried around in his coat all the time.  Jerry had Lizzie that was with him every moment.  There is something special between older people and dogs.  Jerry has a new dog Maggie.  Of course Maggie is with Jerry every moment.  These dogs are always treated like humans and the owners have no doubt they can interpret every word the dog says.

Dogs have a soothing effect.  A sad thing are the people who mistreat dogs.  There are slummers in Hazen who have dogs chained up in a cage.  Then there are some other slummers on the other extreme.  Kadizzle visited some slummers where the dogs were up on the cabinets and counters just like they were part of the landscape.  Kadizzle has no use for cats.  Sorry cat people.  Cats are useless and show no loyalty whatsoever.  Dogs usually stay on the floor, and that is fine, but when cats lick their butts then the butter Kadizzle looses his appetite.

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