Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Read Thomas Friedman in NYT Today

Kadizzle reads parts of the New York Times every day.  No other newspaper compares.  The NYT does real research, hires real journalist, and does real fact checks.  The NYT is the extreme opposite of Fox News.  The truth is a nuisance to Fox News.  If you want to be stupid there is one sure way to do it.  Just read and watch things you agree with.  If you start to get information that changes your mind quick quit reading. 

At some point when you get a new fribble or electronic kadidalator you may be forced to read the instructions.  You do it because you do not understand.  What good would it do to read instructions that told you everything you were doing wrong was right?   That is Fox News in nutshell.

One simple thing that Kadizzle has done in life is watch intelligent people and see how they conduct their life.  Intelligent people don't watch Fox News.  Many people confuse intelligence with memory.  You can have a good memory and be a doctor, a lawyer and a host of other things, but that is not intelligence, that is the ability to repeat.   Real intelligence stems from logic.  If you are incapable of logic you have a serious problem.  Here is a simple case of logic.  Some dinger is on the radio or television and they are going to sell you gold.  The tell you gold will appreciate quicker than cash.  So why would they sell you the gold to get cash?  It is pretty simple, they don't believe what they are saying.  No one possessing logic would fail to see Donald Trump is mentally ill, or at best a scoundrel and a liar, yet the same people buying the gold vote for Trump.

"Even a blind hog will root".  Because you see stupid people who have been successful that means nothing.  If a flock of ducks flies over and your gun goes off accidentally and you shoot one that does not mean you are a good shot.  The Fox News crowd cannot understand the concept of cause and effect.  Trump and his gang of mafia members knows how to exploit the gullibility of the crowd.  Trump keeps saying " I am the biggest, I am the greatest, I can do everything biggly" . His lying is endless, and his followers never question it.  Trump capitalizes on taking credit for things he never did.  The dolts eat it up.

3,000 people died in Puerto  Rico and Trump said it was a great success.  Trump gave the rich 85% of the tax breaks and told the busted flat blue collar workers it was a success.  Now back to the NYT read Thomas Friedman's article today.  Friedman talks about heating the house by burning the furniture.  That is Trump, but the dingers are warm and happy.

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