Sunday, September 09, 2018

The Neighbor

Do you remember the remedigus? That is almost a daily routine for Kadizzle.  Kadizzle hops on his bike, the electric bike, or maybe even the car. Walking just does not get it.  One guy on the remedigus is a motor head.  They guy did not go to college, but he reads a lot.  Not sure he reads the right stuff. He told Kadizzle to read a book called Origins.  Now the book is by the guy who rote the Da Vinci Code.  Kadizzle has undertaken the task figuring it could add to the discussions with the motor head. The book centers around the question is who are we, where did we come from, and so on.

Last night Kadizzle told Jasper he was reading the book. First Jasper Littlebottom was amazed Kadizzle was even reading a book, but then she chided him for reading such a cheap trashy book. She may be right. The book is just a book that plays on easy thought.

Anyway Kadizzle is reading the book to see if there is some hint of a philosophical implication in it he can discuss with Mr. Motor.  Mr. Motor is a puzzle.  He seems very intelligent, but seems like he could have done well with a good education.  The saddest thing is Mr. Motor is both a Republican and a Trump supporter.  So the puzzle is how can a person with a good brain do such a thing.  Mr. Motor outright informed Kadizzle that he was immune to facts.  Mr. Motor is fun to talk to and we have some good conversations we both enjoy. Both of us are on complete opposite sides of the political world, but that is what makes it fun.  Mr. Motor's son just cannot understand how people can have such opposite views and be such friends.  Motor junior cannot tolerate Kadizzle's views.  Motor junior feels if you disagree with someone you are calling them stupid.  Stupid is not a good word.  Kadizzle prefers the term ill informed.  Now you can be informed by Fox News or some of the other right wing propaganda.  Indeed there is left wing propaganda.  In the end numbers don't lie, but the numbers can certainly be polished and manipulated, but in the end there is data.  The question is what does the data mean?   Scientist analyze data and come to conclusions based on the data.  Left or right once you depart from reality the game is over. Once you refuse to look at data or if you prefer facts the train is off the track. Now this is he puzzle.  How can a person who is a very good mechanic, which means he is analytical, how can that person be so boneheaded as to refuse to see the evidence clearly in front of him.  This gets us to religion.  Religion as it is commonly practiced makes no sense, yet sensible people follow it.  Why?   Reality often is not comforting, fantasy is.  Sylvie has a teddy bear named Chip. Chip is just a stuffed bear, but Chip brings Sylvie a lot of comfort.  Republicans bring the ill informed comfort. If you buy the Republican line, you get comfort knowing there are others. If you are a blue collar person you know you got a raw deal.  If someone comes along and make you feel they are with you, you like it, and you will believe.  Makes no difference if hat someone lies, you like the lies.  Makes no difference if the person is illogical he is poking the people you don't like in the face.  You don't like intellectuals.  You don't like the government. 

So a couple times a week we go back and forth.  Kadizzle gave motor man a well researched article written by 12 historians.  Each historian was assigned several presidents to analyze how crooked they were.  The conclusion was Trump is far and away the most crooked, lying president ever.  Now Kadizzle has not seen Motor man since he gave him the article.  Mr. Motor is different, he will read the article.  Most hard core conservatives would simply refuse to read anything that might penetrate the concrete surrounding their mind.  The usual response is "That is from the New York Times, I will not read it".  These are the people who found a round Earth a big problem. Kadizzle wants to hear Motor's reaction, but it is predictable.  The research was done by educated people, and you know we cannot trust them, they are all liberals.  Even if Trump is nuts, a mental midget, and the worst president of all time,  he is making the right people mad, so lets support him as he destroys the world.

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