Sunday, September 30, 2018

Here we go

You are walking among them. The people  you pass do not see what you see.  You see one thing, they see Fox News.  An amazing ability people have is to not see.  The people in the south did not see slaves a people.  They walked around every day thinking slavery was normalcy.  They walked around thinking buying and selling of humans was normal.  That is what humans can do. The can watch Fox News and believe Fox News. They can watch Donald Trump and believe Donald Trump.

In a couple of days Kadizzle will return to his home town of Wheeling, West Virginia.  A shameful act took place there last night.  The con man Donald Trump was in Wheeling doing his imitation of Hitler.  Sadly the people in the town Kadizzle grew up in ate every bit of the lying stew he cooked. One of the highlights of the speech was Trump giving a shout out to David McKinley.   David was in my older sisters class, and Kadizzle was in the boy scouts with him.  David had that Kavanaugh attitude of privilege which he has parlayed into Republican right wing politics. " On my honor.." Those were the words in the scout pledge.  What honor to be a suck up to Trump?  West Virginia has been in  a state of decline for decades.  The coal barons, and the Republicans have turned West Virginia into a colony.  Kadizzle now lives in North Dakota, another state being raped by the energy industry with the help of the Republicans.  It is the same tune played in West Virginia.  Buy the government, it is cheap, rob the resources, leave nothing behind.

In another month Kadizzle will be in Arizona.  What will he see?  He will see the multi million dollar homes of the people who struck it rich in North Dakota oil.  The money left, and the teachers in North Dakota are some of the poorest paid in the country, just like West Virginia.

Those people you walk among.  Those people who say Brett Kavanaugh was just a boy doing what boys always do.  Those people who love children, but don't mind a little rape.  Those people who you think see what you see, no they are beside you, but they don't see the same world.  They see every unfortunate person as a welfare cheat.  Why couldn't everyone be born to a rich mommy and daddy?

I am a self made man.  I made the interstate that got me to college, I made the school that taught me how to read,  I made the police department that protected me.  I did it all by myself.  No one helped.  So why can't all those poor welfare cheats do like I did and grow up in a nice neighborhood, go to a good school, and get the good jobs white kids get?  Donald Trump came up from nothing.  All he had was a rich daddy and a  few million his dad gave him to buy lunch. Now look, by lying, cheating, and misusing women he is a self made man that gives us all inspiration to see what dishonesty can do for you.

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