Thursday, March 15, 2018

Ted the sign man

Fat old Kadizzle stopped to talk to Ted the volunteer sign guy on his way back from the workout hall. Ted puts a lot of free labor into those nice wooden hand routed signs you see in the National Forest.  Now fasten your seat belt here goes the rant.  It breaks Kadizzles heart to think after Ted has spent a day or two making one nice sign that some simple minded gun dinger will take great pleasure in firing his hand gun into the sign.  The NRA terrorist like to portray themselves as patriots, but are they defending the country from signs? The brave hand gun wielding gun nuts shoot up millions of dollars worth of signs every year.  It is enough of a tragedy that they destroy the public property, but another aspect of giving idiots guns is safety.  The brave gun slingers shoot signs along the highway.  Do you think and idiot with a handgun has the good sense to figure out if anyone is in danger when he shoots a stop sigh?  Hell no. 

Just making the sign cost time, effort, and money.  Even with Ted working free there still is the cost of tools, and material.  Then someone has to drive out into the forest to put the sign up, take down the damaged sign and drive back. This is the cost of idiots with guns. Does the NRA care? Hell no.  So thank you NRA for not only making sure our school children die, but also shooting up public property.

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