Sunday, March 11, 2018

Lets Golf and Have a Parade

Thee million dollars to golf for one weekend, no problem if you are the Trumpster. Remember the guy who was going to cut the deficit, but somehow is running it up by 1.5 trillion?  Well now that guy needs a parade that will cost in the tens of millions.  Sad, but there will be no tanks.  Plenty of planes though. 

What could you do with tens of millions besides have a parade?  How about some health insurance for poor kids?  What about some pay for teachers?  Maybe build some shelters for veterans.  No, we need a parade.

Good old Trump.  He is an amazing idiot.  Today in the New York Times his economic adviser said his job was not to advise Trump on economics, but to justify whatever Trump comes up with.  Sounds like someone working for Hitler.  Don't question his desire to kill people, just justify it. 

We have a president with the mind of ten year old, and he has a cast of idiots working for him. Those idiots will do whatever it takes to please The Donald.   What an era we live in.

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