Friday, March 09, 2018

Get the Trail Crew

Kadizzle has been living pretty well on his own.  The big boss is up Deer Creek with Cliff and Emily living in the wilderness.  Last night Kadizzle had a nice home cooked meal with Little Mike.  We sat at the picnic table drank some wine and shot some BS.  Later Kadizzle drifted off to sleep on a soft bed.  Not so for those guys up Deer Creek.  Today at noon Kadizzle will pick them up.

Our expedition to REI has been postponed.  Cliff and Kadizzle were going to do some public relations there on Saturday, but it will not happen until the 24.  It is getting warm enough for the rattlesnakes to come out.  Kadizzle saw data that bees are much more dangerous than snakes.  Actually snakes manage to kill very few people.

Kadizzle has been conducting a Jihad against the NRA terrorist.  Confronting these dingers on line is fun.  The most fun is to ask them two good questions.  First, ask a gun dinger " What are you afraid of?".   This drives them crazy.  They hate to admit it is fear that drives them.  Of course it is the usual someone is going to break into my home and rape my wife.  Happens all the time.  Then of course you get the government coming to get the guns.  The strange thing is they guy who says the government is going to come for his gun is the same guy who insist black football players respect the government that is coming for the guns.

The question that really drives the NRA gun smokers nuts is " How do other countries achieve so much better statistics with gun violence?".   The gun slingers chose just to ignore that question. 

The " What are you afraid of?", question is a lot of fun.  The guy with the gun does not like to think of himself as some scared little whimpe.  He sees himself as the sheriff in a western.  He is a tough gun slinger that can shoot your rifle right out of your hand and tell you to get out of town.

Bulletin:  On the radio in the background NPR is talking about Trump meeting with North Korea. This will be an amazing meeting.  The two craziest men on the planet meeting.  Trump no doubt will say " How you doing Rocket Man?".   Of course they will compare the size of their rockets.  More than likely they will order take out Chinese for a meal.  What could go wrong?  If we are lucky Korea will capture Trump.  Probably with a cheeseburger trap.  No one in this country can make sense of anything Trump says, so the North Korean dictator will have fun figuring out Trump.

As NPR is pointing out the Trump people are clueless about how to negotiate with North Korea.  This should be a highlight for the Trump circus.  More than likely it will be a lot of sparks, noise, and some great fireworks.  In the end does anyone think two mentally ill self obsessed people can solve anything?  If Trump actually gets North Korea to disarm it will be amazing.  Trump may just look at the dictator and say " Your fired".

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