Sunday, November 13, 2016

Who are you?

You don't have to tell me who you are, but it would be interesting to know.  Just now I checked the statistics for this blog site.  583,000 pages have been viewed.  Often Kadizzle has wondered who reads this crap?  I know of perhaps five people who might look at this nonsense on a regular basis, but when I look at the statistics it seem there are a lot more people out there than I think.  I know of one woman in Florida I happened to find out about, by the the Hello.  Honest Omar told me you read this sometimes.  I know of a plant worker that at one time read this stuff.  Well I will come to the point.  If you on occassion read this and you want to let me know you can email me.  My email is  One thing I realize a lot of people accidentally stumble across this mess.  The statistical system can tell where views come from in general.  Presumably the people in Russia and France are people who accidentally came across this.  Well if you get the notion let me know who you are.  Also I have a thick skin, if you don't like some of the thing on here tell me.  Over and out.

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