Saturday, January 31, 2015

Getting up to date at Camp Bumworthy.

When Kadizzle left Camp Bumworthy he left The Undertaker in charge. In fact Kadizzle made The Undertaker the temporary mayor with instructions to keep tabs on things.  After a long session of leveling the Earth Module in it’s new home Kadizzle and The Commander set out to inspect Camp Bumworthy.  Having been gone for several days who knows what mayhem could have ensued.  Dwayne was about to watch a rental movie on his six by six in screen sitting upright behind the wheel of his van.  With a beer nearby Dwayne was cheerful and seemed to have weathered our absence well.  Kadizzle never did get to check on Gary, but Dwayne reported all the parts were coming in to fix us Gary’s truck.  Fixing Gary’s truck has become a community project.  Gordon and Gary both have the same 69 Ford truck and both are madly in love with their trucks.  Gordon wants to be buried sitting in his truck.  It occurred to Kadizzle that Gary would also like to be buried in the same manner.  Since The Undertaker is actually a retired undertaker this could probably be arranged.  One major decision has to be made about burying Gary and Gordon in the truck.  Who get’s to drive?  When the two of them start the journey to Ford Heaven someone will have to read the map and someone will have to steer.  

On down the road Kadizzle summoned The Undertaker for a report.  The Undertaker reported all is well.  The Undertaker managed to shoot three quail out hunting with his young new golden lab.  While getting up to date with The Undertaker Kadizzle got a call from The Commander.  Our crew had been invited to dinner with the crowd in the tent loop.  With some delicious home made chili we met more nice people and exchanged stories as usual.  With the sun down Kadizzle and The Commander peddled back to their new deluxe home with running water, electricity, and sewer.  As Kadizzle peddaled back to camp he could not help but reflect on how many nice people we meet in our roaming life.  99.9 percent of the people we encounter are wonderful. Retired people enjoying their waning days have no reason to be offensive.  

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