Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Even a blind Hog ol Root

Years ago Kadizzle had an office beside the head guy who ran the mine where Kadizzle worked.  Hubert Myers was the big cheese and often Kadizzle could hear Hubert talking to someone.  Hubert was from Kentucky and was a real buzz cackler.  A good buzz cackler is hard to beat.  To hear someone with a southern accent tell a story and get going with a hillybilly southern drawl is hard to beat.

Well one day Art Wegerly was in Hubert's office.  Art was a maintenance guy and a good one.  Art and Hubert were having a dust up about how to work on some equipment.  It turned out that Art had predicted there would be a failure if they did not fix something the way Art said it should be fixed. It turned out Art was right, and had been all along.  Hubert did not want to acknowledge that are was intelligent and correct, so Hubert said "Even a blind Hog ol root".   Kadizzle always like the saying.  There is another version "Even a blind hog will occasionally find an acorn".  

Often The Commander catches old Kadizzle in an error.  Kadizzle just replies " Even a blind hog ol root".  Those old sayings sometimes get the job done.  "If you want to run with the big dogs you got to be able to piss on the big trees".

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