Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Camp Social Worker tries to patch up bum relations.

Kadizzle has an affection for bums.  People trying to live on the edge are kind of fascinating, and most of them have figured out how to migrate so they can be warm in the winter.  One thing bums develop an affection for is their vehicles.  Often the bums live right in their truck, car, or what ever.  In our encampment Gary the bum is in love with his old truck.  Dwayne the other bum also loves his van, so naturally they became friends and exchanged the usual banter about what they were going to do with their bum wagons.

After our brief sojourn to North Dakota we returned to our campsite.  Kadizzle asked Dwayne how Gary was doing.  Dwayne said he had not seen Gary for awhile.  Something seemed amiss.  Bored Kadizzled decided to go talk to Gary.  Gary was glad to see the old Kadizzle and it was clear he was a bit lonely.  After talking for awhile Gary admitted he had a falling out with Dwayne.  Apparently Dwayne had called Gary stupid.  Kadizzle had no idea Gary was so sensitive.  Gary said he wanted nothing to do with Dwayne until Dwayne apologized.  Dwayne is a gruff sort of guy and talks like he has a frog in his throat.  He looks like a guy who might have been a TV wrestler at one time. Dwayne is a good mechanic, and he has done some work for Gary. The friendship is mutually beneficial.  Gary who is living on $800 a month has an insane plan to invest in expensive parts for his pickup truck that are totally unnecessary.  The idea of something shiny under the hood fascinates Gary.  If this is all going to happen it would save Gary a lot of money if Dwayne helped.  With this in mind Kadizzle thought he might patch things up between the two.  So on the way back Kadizzle stopped and had a conversation with Dwayne.  Kadizzle told Dwayne about Gary's perception of the insult.  Dwayne had a slightly different take on the story, but listened.  Hopefully the two have patched things up.

During the conversation with Gary Kadizzle inquired about the lady bum, Typhoid Mary, that had left camp.  Typhoid sent Dwayne and Gary both Christmas presents.   They each got a bright fluorescent green hooded sweat shirt, and pajamas.  Bums are not big on pajamas, so Gary traded his in at Walmart.  Typhoid Mary has a house in California that she rents out, and she is just learning the ropes of bum life.  However, she makes a great addition to the local bum culture.  Mary likes to take Gary's dog Sammy for walks which works out well because Gary has just about smoked himself to death.  Gary claims he is down to three cancer sticks per day and he does look a little better, but his lungs must look like burnt toast.

Everyone is hoping for some sunshine today.  The solar showers, and solar panels desperately need some help.  Electricity, solar panels, and generators are always big topics among the dry campers.

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