Thursday, January 15, 2015

Burglar and Car Thief trim the yard today.

Finally a nice sunny day the way it is supposed to be.  Today we take The Commanders birthday hike. So Kadizzle has to be a good boy. The bad boys are trimming our yard.  Looking out the window this morning Kadizzle saw what he thought was a woman prisoner trimming bushes across the way.  Turned out to be a man doing his civic duty for stealing a car. Seemed like a nice guy who will be set free in June.  Said he got two years for carrying a gun as a felon.  According to him he had the gun to protect himself from bears while he cut wood.  Kadizzle told him he would be more afraid of the bears in jail than the ones in the woods, but the prison fellow said things were fine at jail and all that jazz is just television exaggeration.  His assistant was a burglar, who said he had reformed.  Both seemed like nice people enjoying the sun shine.  These guys said they would much rather be out here doing some work than sitting in the cooler.  For years Kadizzle has been promoting the idea that North Dakota use people who have committed non violent crimes to improve the parks in North Dakota, but North Dakota never wants to try a different approach.  So The Commander and Kadizzle will set off on a hike on the Campaign Trail up by Peter Bigfoot's.  Kadizzle will turn on the Delorme tracking device and if anyone wants they may be able to follow the hike.  The password is Quinn to get into the system.  Lunches are packed, the sun is shinning and it will be hi ho hi ho its off to the woods we go.

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