Saturday, January 24, 2015

19 Crimes

Kadizzle has no respect for the wines he likes.  Kadizzle had a bad case and still does for Apothic Red.  Darch says it is Apologetic Red, and has made other derisive remarks.  Now Kadizzle has started to like a wine called 19 Crimes. It turns out there were 19 Crimes a person in England could be sent to the penal colony in Australia for committing.   It is a hard choice, but 19 Crimes seems to be winning.

Today Kadizzle took a motorcycle ride into Fountain Hills.  Fountain Hills is a pricey neighborhood, but Kadizzle found a nice house The Commander might consider.  The home is above the price point the Kadizzles have been shooting for, but it was perfect for Kadizzle.  Who knows perhaps we will break the budget, but unlikely.  The Commander is in heat thinking about mountain bikes, it has become an obsession. Today she tried out a five thousand dollar bike. The Commander says she really likes it.  If you don't think this strikes terror into Kadizzle nothing will.

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