Monday, January 19, 2015

Dare to be Stupid

All is well in the small community of Coati.  Coati is our little loop of the campground made up of bums and old liberals trying to get their last nature buzz in.  Kadizzles little sister Patty is here from Cottonwood and we have been getting up to date on family affairs. Since Kadizzle comes from a family of nine this is a process.

Yesterday we took some novices on an Indian site hike and they enjoyed seeing the sites in raw form and all the pottery.  Kadizzle is so used to hiking with The Commander who happens to be a human steam engine for hiking that it was a big change to go with people closer to the walker category.  In order to get all the seniors up the mountain there were many stops, but it was a good hike in the end.

Today Kadizzle took off with brother in law Ned on a dare to be stupid motorcycle ride.  We tried to extend an exploration Kadizzle had done earlier and got cactus up his hind side.  On this trip we went about two miles farther in to the deep regions of nowhere.  Once we stopped and came to our senses.  We decided we should go no farther, but we did.  Finally we realized we should stop or face grave danger of injury trying to come back up the steep grade.  Kadizzle knew they had made a good decision, but there was the old cactus in the ass wreck spot we did have to make it past.  Kadizzle let Ned go first since Ned was more experienced and had a larger more versatile cycle.  Ned waited at the top as Kadizzle made his first attempt.  With the engine reved up Kadizzle got half way up and shot to the side and up in the air. Fully expecting to crash Kadizzle somehow just landed on the cycle upright.  Fortunately Kadizzle could manage to turn around for a second try.  So now for the next and final attempt.  Kadizzle picked a route and headed up.  Ned expected a crash and Kadizzle thought Ned was filming from the top with his cell phone.  It look to Kadizzle like he had made it past the dreaded cactus crash spot and things were going well, but then the wheel caught on something and the crash was on.  As good fortune would have it no damage was done to the cycle and only minor damage to Kadizzle.  The saddest part was that Ned did not have the camera set on live action, but instead took stills of the crash.   After dusting off and bending a couple things back to original position it was on up the mountain. There seemed to be something magically stupid about crashing twice withing a ten foot area, but all is well that ends well. If Kadizzle can get some pictures from Ned he will add them to this story later.

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