Thursday, January 22, 2015

Crashing 101

This is Kadizzle's favorite crash spot.  About a week ago The Commander and Kadizzle rode together down this road in search of adventure.  After Kadizzle dropped The Commander off at a spring he tried to push the exploration farther down the road with the cycle.  Kadizzle enlarged the know universe by about one mile.  On the way out of the valley Kadizzle knew this part of the ride was too dangerous to have The Commander on the back, so up he went by himself only to wreck and get cactus in his ass.  If you have been reading this blog that was an earlier story.

So brother in law Ned came to visit with sister Patty.  Ned and Kadizzle set out to push the exploration even further.  Ned has a 450 and Kadizzle only has a 250. Ned also has much more experience than Kadizzle on this type of motorcycle. At any rate the two old farts reached the last point Kadizzle had ever dared to go by himself.  A discussion ensued about the wisdom of going any farther.  At first reason prevailed, then the duo figured out a way to do something stupid.  Walk down the road, check it out, then drive down.  With a couple stops we finally made it to the bottom of a steep ravine and our brains began to function.  The realization that it would be dangerous, and stupid to go on down a road made of three foot boulders sunk in.  In a fit of wisdom the duo headed back. With some agile riding both of us made it out of the ravine.  Kadizzle knew he must now face his old nemesis that crashed him and sent cactus up his exit the last time.  With his better bike and more experience Ned made it to the top of the bad spot.  The plan was for Ned to come down and rescue Kadizzle if he did not make it.  On the first attempt Kadizzle got about half way up and the wheel caught.  Kadizzle shot off the road and landed upright in the brush.  Kadizzle himself was amazed to have accomplished the feat.  Ned was going to come down to help but Kadizzle made it back to the bottom for try number two.  When Kadizzle saw Ned at the top with his cell phone camera running he knew Ned did not have much hope.  Picking a different route than Ned, Kadizzle blasted up the nasty road. With great joy it appeared he was going to make it.  Ten feet past the week ago wreck something grabbed the wheel and disaster struck.  Kadizzle bit the dust with some minor scratches.   At least there would be a good video of the action.  Hell no, Ned just shot still pictures.  So here we have Kadizzle crashed ten feet past the famous cactus in the ass spot.

Did we learn anything? Probably.  We are two old men, and need to think carefully about what we can and cannot do.  Earlier Ned had dumped his cycle in an unexpected way.

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