Friday, November 28, 2008

Relaxing in the Mountians

The Commander and Lord Kadizzle have had a very relaxing week in the mountains above Denver with Erin and Fran. Erin is excited about the little bundle gestating in the oven. Already we are making plans to raise a genius. The food has been superb. The setting is hard to beat. Easy days catching up on all the magazines on the coffee table, an occasional stroll. If any tension builds up a simple dip in the hot tub does the trick. Saturday or Sunday it will be back to the Dakota prairie. The camper will stay here until late Dec or early Jan, then off to the southwest. One joy has been reading Rolling Stone magazine. The political commentary is wonderful. If you want to laugh out loud read some of the articles by Matt Taibbi. Taibbi rips Sarah Palin to shreds and mocks the McCain bunch to the point you will be in pain laughing. Sadly it is all true. You can go on line and get a lot of his stuff.

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