Saturday, April 21, 2007

Three idiots

Three idiots are missing in Australia. According to the news report they found their sailboat with food on the table and in good condition, but nobody was on board. The Coast Guard in Australia suspects they got in the dingy and forgot to anchor the boat. The boat got away.

Now this brings me to some of the dumb sailboat things that I have done which may have qualified me to be idiot number four. Years ago a friend approached my boat with a jet ski. I was alone on the boat. With the boat under sail I asked him to give me a ride on his jet ski. The wind was light and my boat was sailing on auto pilot. Roxy agreed to give me a ride. I climbed off the boat and got on his jet ski. The plan was to let the boat sail by itself down the middle of the lake until I re boarded. As soon as I got on the jet ski, Roxy accidentally dropped the keys to the jet ski in the lake. My boat was headed down the lake, and we were stuck. Fortunately Roxy figured out how to hot wire the jet ski, and things worked out.

Once The Commander and Lord Kadizzle were sailing with the spinaker up. It was a warm evening and we were in the middle of nowhere, so we decided to jump in the water nude and drag on the ladder behind the boat. After dragging awhile naked, it occurred to me that if the boat got away, it would be a strange accident report. The newspaper would report our naked bodies found on the shore miles from our boat. No one would ever figure out what happened. We got back on the boat. Someday I hope to make headlines under the idiot category.

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