Saturday, December 23, 2006

Word fights

At scrabble central we have had some heated words about what are words. A major battle erupted between North and South Korea last night over the word vino. One side claimed it was not an American word, the other insisted it was a commonly used word. Iran came into the battle claiming it was not in the dictionary, however Iraq checked, and indeed it was. The battle raged between the Suni's and Shite's until the word was accepted. Iran claimed it did not possess WMDs, Words of Mass Destruction. However as the game progressed Ned seemed to have a few letters of mass destruction. Ned placed a G and spelled ago two ways. I was so proud when I used the word meme. Of course my family challanged me on a word I just learned last year because I could not spell it correctly. I was wrong in the spelling, and lost my turn. I threatened to withdraw and leave the middle North in utter chaos, but I sat down and committed more troups only to find out what I am sure Bush will, I lost anyway. I hope peace can prevail at the scrabble board tonight.

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