Tuesday, August 22, 2023

What have they done to working people

In 1976 Kadizzle started his last job for $27, 000 per year. As an experiment Kadizzle asked artificial intelligence to determine what that starting wage would be today. According to the A.I. calculation it would be $38 dollars per hour. Think about that. If you work it backwards a person working for $16 an hour today is, according to artificial intelligence,  is making about $6.50 an hour.

Working people have gone absolutely nowhere in terms of real dollars. On the other hand the rich have stolen everything. Who made this possible? The Republicans made sure the rich prospered and the poor were enslaved. Worse yet you now have the poor preyed on by casinos, credit cards, and tattoos. Helping all this along is the destruction of the schools, and the mind numbing of the internet.  

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