Sunday, August 27, 2023

Run dog, run KMOG will not meet to discuss their lying

When our children were small we would read them a story called " Run, Dog run".  KMOG, Gary Morris, and Michael Heather live by that motto. They shoot out the lies, then when you confront them it is run dog, run. This morning Steve from KMOG emailed me that he will not deal with me because of the video I posted below. KMOG engages in lies and character assassination every day, but when you turn the tables on them they get their undies in a bundle. 

They have a program the call The Forum. In reality it promotes right wing lies, and propaganda. Currently they are stirring up hate for the LBGT community in Payson. Don't call in and confront them about their hypocrisy, unless you want to be cut off. Like all good Republicans they hide behind Jesus and the flag.  What takes the cake is the lying Forum is started with a prayer. Jesus would puke if he tuned into KKKMOG. 

Old Charlie left them. Charlie was a radio professional and he knew how to fling the BS, but poor Steve Otto is not cut out for public lying. Steve is just a local malcontent KKKMOG recruited to replace a professional propagandist. 

A big reason KKKMOG has to play Run dog, run is because they don't have any real beef. They simply cannot provide any comments I made that were wrong, disruptive, or child sensitive. This is Payson, Arizona where the battle between the normal people and the Hoopleheads is going full bore. This is a cowboy town where you put a gun on you hip and a cowboy hat on your head. Your a big man until you are confronted with the truth, then it is Run dog, run.  I thought cowboys would meet you in the street to shoot it out, but no our cowboys. I have challenged them to any public forum to discuss their lies. Nope, Run dog run. The British were upset when the colonist shot from the bushes. KKMOG, Gary Morris, and Michael Heather learned from them to throw a rock from the bushes and run. Their hero the ultimate coward Donald Trump will not show up at the debate to defend his lies. What is it about Republicans and lying? Is it a cult addiction?

One thing good about the Run dog, run gang is you don't have to worry about a dog bite. Michael Heather will threaten to punch you, but that is just a barking dog, a dog that barks before it runs. 


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