Tuesday, August 01, 2023

Democrats dominate the Opinion Page

For some strange reason the opinion page in the Payson Roundup disappeared for two weeks, but it came back strong today. Every letter but one was a good letter by a good Democrat.  

Now for some shocking news. The NYT says Trump and Biden are tied in polls. Our country is on the verge of becoming Nazi Germany. Can we be that stupid? Yes. 

When you meet a Republican Trump dinger it is like meeting someone in a cult trance. Yesterday on the ebike Kadizzle saw the little old nut case lady walking by the lake. One here head was a hat two times to big with "Go Brandon" on it.  She looked like a midget wearing a frying pan. Delusional is the only description that fits. The last time Kadizzle saw her and we discussed politics she gave Kadizzle a card saying she practice a healing art called Reiki, exactly the kind of thing a cultist would believe in. Reiki allows you to put your hands on someones shoulder and transfer energy to them. Just like Trump puts his hand in your pocket and transfers money to himself. 

If Trump is elected the country is toast. Trump is the modern Hitler. Sit there do nothing be polite and enjoy the end of the country. 

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