Wednesday, August 23, 2023

A little man with a big cowboy hat Gary Morris

The little cowboy with the little liar Kari Lake. 

Kadizzle attended his first Payson Tea Party meeting in a long time. Instructions from headquarters were to behave, but it became increasingly impossible. Why? There he was the sawed off little runt with his cowboy hat. It was Gary Morris the head of the local Republican Party. Gary has publicly lied about Kadizzle several times. This is intolerable. Lying about Kadizzle is equivalent to burning the Koran, or a Trump flag.

The urge to confront the little puffed up cowboy could not be suppressed. As the simple minded meeting droned on Cowboy Gary went out into the lobby. Kadizzle met the buckeroo and asked if Kadizzle and Gary could have a conversation. As soon as Kadizzle confronted Gary about his lying he did the usual. Gary has two modes, one is refuse to talk and the other is run. Gary would not stand still and defend his lies, instead he took off to head back in the meeting. Knowing he was in a tight situation he left the meeting early. 

Several months ago Kadizzle called Gary to talk to him on the phone about his lying, again he refused to discuss his lies.

Gary called in to the radio talk show on KMOG and claimed Kadizzle was arrested twice in North Dakota for assault. One major problem with that claim is there is no record of it. 

If you have been a follower of this blog you know someone tried to set Kadizzle up for a false arrest. Someone, and more than likely Gary Morris knows how this came about, someone called Senator Kevin Cramer's office and claimed to be Kadizzle.  As a result a lot of tax payer money was wasted when the Capitol Police came to my house. Everything points to Gary and his gang as the culprits for this scam. More than once the Republicans have been caught making false police reports. Of course Gary does not want to talk about his crimes, after all his god is Donald Trump the man who will not show up for the debates. Cowards run from the truth. More than once Kadizzle has challenged Gary to get on the stage at the Tea Party and discuss his accusations. No way, Gary hides in the bushes and throws rocks. 

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