Sunday, July 31, 2022

My Brave Friend

 You have to admire him. Emil Kashuntz was down on the main artery in town waving the " Jail Trump" sign. Emil is 80, gets up and runs two or three miles every day. Kadizzle went down to provide moral support for a man who really does not need it. Emil loves his protest, and a lot of people are uplifted by his willingness to point to the evil that is the Republican party. 

The fun part is the reaction of the steady stream of traffic. There are honks, waves, smiles, and thumbs up. Also of course you have the mean sneers, and middle fingers from the cultist. We just yell " I love you at the dolts". Emil may be accomplishing more than he thinks. Two people pulled into the nearby parking lot to express their support. Kadizzle had good conversations with them. Payson, Arizona has a terrible infestation of Trump dolts. So many people remark how brave Emil is to protest in the land of guns, stupidity, and Fox News. 

Kadizzle hopes the Republicans tasked to spy on the blog are reading this. A message to the cowardly Trump cult gang. If you have a problem with old Kadizzle or Emil come out of the dark. Walk up and tell your side of the story. Tell how you believe Fox News, tell us about Fake News. You cultist know you cannot defend your ignorance. You take comfort in staying with the other cultist that reinforce your insanity. Be brave like Emil come out in the light. Your underhanded tricks are pathetic. One of you called the police and said Emil was causing a traffic problem. What a lowlife lie. The police came and checked on Emil. The police told Emil he was fine and doing nothing wrong. To top it off the police told Emil if anyone gave him trouble to let them know. So you cowards hide in the bushes and throw stones, that is the Trump game. You don't show up for the hearings, and if you do you plead the fifth amendment. Our country was not founded by the kind of people who wave the Confederate flag. Scholarly men started this democracy that idiots are tearing apart. 

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