Monday, July 18, 2022

The secret society grows

Perhaps this tale has been told before, but Kadizzle was in Alpine, Arizona and saw a sign in front of a eating place that said " Secret society meets here at 6:30". Slowly the secret society has been growing in Payson. Last night we met two new members. The Trump disaster awakened them. They confessed they did not pay attention, but were so shocked by Jan 6th that they have awakened. That was refreshing. Sad and sort of amazing, but most of the awakened people in Payson like to lay low. When you are not a Nazi, in Nazi Germany it is best people think to move in the shadows. 

As usual this triggered a thought and a memory. When Kadizzle was in high school he had a black friend named Arthur Little. Kadizzle learned a lot from this skinny, strong little black guy. Arthur used to recite the poem " I am nobody, who are you, are you nobody too?". It was so appropriate for the time.  Kadizzle felt like Arthur.

In Payson if you are out of the cloud, you are nobody. The problem is there are a lot more nobodies than the other no bodies realize. The nobodies allow the Trump somebodies to dominate even though they are the minority. What a strange world. 

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