Sunday, July 17, 2022

The Secret Society

Here we are in the year 2022 and things have become more insane than most of could ever have imagined they would. Kadizzle now lives among the strange mountain people of the Trump Cult, but there is a secret society. They are the Molly Maguires. Who were the Molly Maguires? They were a secret organization of coal miners supposedly responsible for acts of terrorism in the coal fields of Pennsylvania and West Virginia, in the period from 1862 to 1876. The group named itself after a widow who led a group of Irish antilandlord agitators in the 1840s.

One by one Kadizzle has met the members of the secret society. They are good people opposed to the Trump Cult. The secret society does not have a name, but maybe they could be called the Kadizzlites. The Trump Cult checks on this blog, so Kadizzle has to be careful about using names. The Trump Cult already lied about someone Kadizzle mentioned. To protect the innocent Kadizzle will just call this guy Emil, after the famous Emil Kashuntz. 

Emil has become very enthused about fighting the Hoopleheads. To this end Emil decided to do a one man protest on the main Thorofare. Emil made a sign that read "Jail Trump".  Yesterday was Emil's second one man protest. Wait, a good woman, Molly will be her secret name, joined Emil. On day one a Trump Cultist called the police and claimed Emil was causing traffic problems. Strangely a policeman showed up and observed Emil. The policeman concluded Emil did not cause any problem and the the Trump Cultist had lied. The policeman assured Emil he was fine to protest and further told Emil that if he need the police to protect his right to protest they would be there for him. 

Now a word about protesting in Payson. It seems to be a bit of a popular sport. The women have been on the street fighting for their rights, and the Cult sometimes dances around with signs in front of their nest. Protestors hold signs for their cause and cars go by. You honk and give a thumbs up if you agree, and if you are a Trump person that disagrees you shout obscenities, give the finger, and act like your having a Trump tantrum. 

Emil reports about half the people driving by supported the concept of Trump going to jail. The other half consisting of the Trump cultist yelled, and were vulgar. Emil is older than Kadizzle and was delighted with his protest. 

As loyal readers know Kadizzle was an underground coal miner at one time. One thing Kadizzle has come to love are good coal mining songs. A favorite is an old union song with the words " which side are you on".  Well, that is the question. The secret society of Kadizzlites is growing. One by one Kadizzle is finding out who is conscious and willing to oppose the cult. 

There is hope.

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