Tuesday, July 26, 2022

It will not rain

 Rain falls East, North, and West, but it will not fall  on us. It rained on the East side of town, but it will not rain on us. Let's be religious, and assume God is pissed off. In the good old days God had an anger management problem. Remember when he killed almost everyone on the planet? It was over some simple thing like an apple or a craven image. The Bible is full of incidents when the good lord got mad and wiped out children, towns, or sent plagues. 

So God is mad at Payson, AZ. You can't really blame him. Surely he looks down and sees Trump flags. One thing about God is when he gets angry he has no discretion. Our yard is dry, and so is the yard of the guy who has Trump flags on the fence, but no, no God will not take the time to sprinkle our yard and send locust to his. 

Now if God can get mad at us, are we allowed to get mad at God? What was God thinking when he made people different colors? Sure it was fun to make a black one, a yellow one, and to lazy to color the white ones, but anyone could see this would lead to a lot of problems. 

One thing God did that makes Kadizzle really mad is his failure to update his manual. Sure some rules on slavery were good back in the pyramid days, but come on now God we need some new rules setting an eight hour work day, and child labor laws. If God would update his manual the Republicans would not have a heyday doing it. 

God walked off and left grease boiling on the stove. God got bored with his little Earth experiment. He created a bunch of stuff and got distracted. Now he is in another part of the universe flooding other planets and spreading new forms of petulance. The great hope of the religious is God is going to come back. Why should he? No one returns to a burnt down house, a wrecked car, or an Earth infested with Republicans. We are made in the image of God, and therefor God is made in the image of us. We make messes, and walk away from them. Here we are. 

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