Wednesday, July 20, 2022

The Human Brain

 Often the human brain is a puzzling thing to watch. Kadizzle always is amazed to see people speeding toward a traffic light that is red only to slam on the brake. How does a brain like that work? What kind of brain says to the owner, hurry up and stop. It does not make a bit of sense anyway you look at it. Obviously if you just let the car drift toward the red light the car would lose momentum, slow down, get there a little later, and maybe by then the light would be green. A brains should be able to figure that out, but no there is part of the brain that cannot conceive of such an event. Hurry up and wait. 

You will see the same brain on the road. The same brain runs up behind the moving car ahead and brakes to keep from hitting it. The brain likes an illusion. The illusion of power is addictive. You are nobody, but the brain wants to be somebody. What kind of brain wants to drive around town making a loud noise with a truck or motorcycle. A small brain. What kind of brain believes Trump won the election? The same small brain. What will destroy mankind? You got it right, the small brain. 

So we are in a world of the functioning brains vs the small brains, who will win?  Kadizzle sees both sides. There are a lot of small brains. On the other hand the people capable of in depth deep thought might save us from ourselves. Kadizzle is addicted to reading reality. There may be a new reality on the horizon. Yesterday Kadizzle looked into batteries that never need to be charged. Nuclear batteries that can run your watch for 28,000 years will soon be available. This seems like it would be untrue, but remember we have had nuclear submarines and aircraft carriers that can run for 15 years on one charge. Wow. There is science on the horizon that may save us from us. In the meantime the simple minded are getting worse, and there seems to be more of them. 

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