Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Two of the best

Winky put Kadizzle onto Heather Cox Richardson, and Kadizzle has always thought Paul Krugman was tops. Strangely both of them have come to the same conclusion, the Republicans are trying to destroy our democracy. It comes down to two simple things. First, Republicans think the country belongs to old rich white guys. All the other colors are just here to be our servants. The second thing is greed. Republican fear poor people are after their money. Republicans want to destroy all social safety nets. 

Paul Krugman has a good article in the NYT today, and Heather Cox Richardson had an excellent podcast a few days back. Richardson does such an amazing job of putting these things into historical perspective. 

On the other side of the fence who are the sages? You have the Fox News gang of liars. Republicans struck gold when they realized how powerful controlling the simple minded is. Trump said it out loud how much he loved the uneducated. 

Watch the uneducated. Around here the most important thing in an idiots life is a big loud pickup truck with goofy tires. Somehow the dingers are like the elk they think they can attract a mate with a show of antlers. The loud exhaust from their truck is the mating call. To some degree it works with the simple minded women. They must figure it is a good male that can afford expensive tires and a truck. The problem is in the end it results in breeding idiots to idiots. That explains a lot about how Trump voters are made. 

Another entire thing the Republicans have going is the disrespect for education. It is real. As my old buddy said " Education just confuses people".  Republicans have trained the idiots to distrust people who think. Science, math, history, and that college stuff are plots to confuse people. Around here you just imitate what dad did. Dad did not read much, and he got by. Dad did pretty well just working with his hands all day. Dad told me not to trust people who used be words. Republicans know with dingers the key is to keep it simple. Dingers do not want a complex answer. If the is something wrong, Biden caused it. That is all a dinger needs to know. It works. 

In the good old days of slavery a lot of lies were told to the slaves. It was a simple way to control them. Of course the slaves were not allowed to learn to read or write. Now we have voluntary slaves who will not read or write. Almost forgot distractions. What do you do with little kids who are a problem? Distract them, give them NASCAR, fake wrestling, sports, celebrities. s

Here we are it is 2022 and you can easily get information on just about anything. You would think this would make people more intelligent, but it hasn't. Given the choice people will migrate to stupidity. 

OK, what is the solution? Hunger, and cold always work pretty well. The last time people awakened was during the depression. They were cold and hungry. The way it works is if you poke the beehive enough you will get stung. Vietnam poked the beehive. Young people did not like the idea of getting shot for no reason. Black people got fed up in sixties and burnt down some cities. In most revolutions it needs to get to the point where the rich have poked the poor a little too much. Now we have a chicken in every pot, so nothing is going to change soon. Kadizzle rides his bike around Payson. There are pockets of slummers living in squalid run down old RVs. Are they happy? Sure they have TV, can probably buy enough beer, and are warm.  There are plenty of food banks, and the social security check keeps them alive and allows them to go to Walmart and buy slum supplies. Why should these people get upset about a president who wants to be a dictator. 

The whole thing makes Kadizzle think of Ukraine. Think back before Russia invaded. A lot of Ukrainians thought Russia would never attack. Can you say wrong? The dingers do not see climate change, and they do not see the threat of Republicans establishing a kingdom. We just have to sit back and wait until the dingers are cold and hungry. 

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