Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Downhill madness

 Winky dropped Kadizzle off on the ebike to ride down the canyon. The ride revealed some spectacular scenery. In particular was a spire made of house sized boulders maybe 700 feet tall. The trail was hot and confusing. At the end Kadizzle took a forest service road home. It was a lot of exercise for the old lard and he slept well last night.

Kadizzle is scared for the country and so are a lot of other people. The simple minded want a dictator, and there is one sitting Florida looking for a job. What is mind boggling to Kadizzle are the political ads on television.  All the right wing nutcases state in their adds they are in love with Trumpism.  Sadly there are no adds for sane people. What is going to happen. Keep in mind there were 70 million idiots that voted for Trump. With stupidity spreading like covid the dingers will latch onto high gas prices and vote for the Nazi party. Remember how Hitler used the Jews to get his game going. The Republicans will use inflation, immigration, and gas prices to draw in the simple minded. It will work. We are in deep trouble. 

Yesterday Kadizzle went to the thrift store to buy a red plastic glass. It worked perfectly to make the solar fireplace on the new patio. While at the thrift store Kadizzle overheard one of the employees complaining about the Juneteenth holiday. The man made some very racist remarks. Trump did a great job of firing up racism. On PBS last night an Asian woman spoke about how Trump stirred up hate for Asians with his covid lies. Unbelievable that we have a man like Trump who knows how to juice the rednecks. Trump will be our Hitler. 

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