Monday, June 27, 2022

The Battery is too big.

 Winky has a big battery, and when she gets a bee in her bonnet she does not stop. Winky has invented a project of lining our drainage ditch with rocks, tons of rocks. This means we go out in the forest with a wheelbarrow and haul rocks back to the ditch. Hopefully today the job will be done to her satisfaction. 

Just watched a woman in a video come down hard on the Bible Thumpers. She asked the question " What makes your book right?". Another question is why do you think we have to live by your book?

The entire concept is insane. If the Bible people actually studied the Bible as they all claim to do they would realize why the Bible was written. It was an instruction manual for the Jews. It told the Jews how to treat slaves, who to kill, and who to torture. No one would adopt a manual written by the Nazis. The Christians have no respect for the religious books of any other religion, yet they claim their is for sure correct. The absurdity. Nothing demonstrates the absurdity of their book than their vote for Donald Trump. If an alien read their book he would conclude they were for socialism, yet they decry it. The Bible has caused more deaths, thievery, pain, and suffering than any other book. Name another book that started more wars, got more people killed, or elected a more crooked president. Send in your answers. 

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