Thursday, June 16, 2022

Dazed and Confused

 Kadizzle just returned from a bike spin around the lake. A strange hand cart was by a shady tree. The hand cart had Jehovah's Witness literature. Close to the cart in the shade were two young ladies dressed nicely promoting their version of God. 

Engaging the religious is fun. Kadizzle asked the two disciples if they voted for Trump. No, they did not vote at all. Kadizzle went on to explain to them if they wanted to fight evil they needed to vote against Trump. In his usual fit of insanity Kadizzle had the usual Biblical conversation. Bible verses were quoted. Kadizzle centered in on the verse " The meek shall inherit the Earth".  The meek are those who do nothing while evil prevails. Kadizzle had to explain to the two women of Jesus they would inherit the Earth because they were doing nothing to fight evil. 

Now to the meat of the experience. Gazing into the pretty eyes of the one young woman Kadizzle had the feeling he was seeing a brain on crack. These poor women were in a religious fog, much like the people in the Trump cult. Reality had left a long time ago. No the only hope is  the afterlife. What is wrong with inheriting the Earth? The Earth is a mess, and getting worse, mostly because of the religious sitting under trees in the shade selling fantasy. Of course the same fantasy lovers voted Trump into office. Perhaps Kadizzle is in a fog, but he sure meets a lot of other people in the same misty confusion. 

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