Sunday, June 05, 2022

Difficulty getting the sun up

A good nights sleep, and now it was time to bring the sun up from behind the mountains. Kadizzle made the coffee and as it brewed he went on the deck to arrange the sun in the sky. Although it seemed like the sun was coming up the sun just did not appear, perhaps it was stuck. What was it like for the natives to see the sun come up, what did they think it was all about? The problem with getting the sun to rise was clouds. Normally putting the sun in the sky is easy, but the clouds on the horizon made it difficult today. At 5:12 the sun was supposed to be up, but Kadizzle could not be sure. For sure it is up now and working fine. For awhile it looked like we may have needed a sun mechanic. Strangely one realizes the sun is not rising, but the Earth is spinning with our house spinning in the direction of the sun. It took a very long time for humans to figure this out. It may take centuries for some humans to figure out Trump lost. 

Our new home sits atop a hill, maybe a little mountain. The new housing development we live in gets a lot of sniffers. The sniffers drive up from down below and check out the progress of the homes being built. Of course we have sniffers on foot to.  Yesterday a sniffer from down the hill stopped by. He has stopped to chat before. We had a nice long conversation on the new patio. Everything was covered from India, to China, and then on to economics. 

The developer is getting a lot of interest in his project so the rumor is he has raised the price of a home by 200,000. If he can pull that off before the market crashes more power to him. This is how it works. The Republicans in California get angry about the socialist in California and sell their homes for a nice profit. The redneck people from California show up in Payson, Arizona with a pocket full of money to buy a new home. Now for the strange part. The locals think it is the socialist moving here and don't like the people from California. Little do the locals know the people from California are gun totting Trumpers just like the locals. 

However, the builders, carpenters, patio builders and the rest of the gang have figured it out. Money does not mean the same thing to everyone. If you have a pocket full of California money your view of prices in Payson is way different than how the locals see money. The local real estate, builders and so on are all too happy to soak the new residents. The net result is prices are going up. This is one reason why the locals are angry. Doesn't exactly make sense. Now Willy  the local has a home worth more, but poor Trumpster working at the casino cannot afford rent. As usual the well to do are doing well, and the not so well to do are not doing so well. A rising tide lifts all boats. That means your rowboat will rise as much as the yacht. The problem is when it rains your rowboat does not have a roof. That is how capitalism works. We love it. 

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